The Relationship

Remedy Experiment

Reconnect, Reignite, and Fall in Love All Over Again

You’ve been through it all together, but somewhere along the way, the spark faded. It feels like you’ve become more like roommates than lovers. When did things change?


You want that connection back—only better.


Imagine looking into each other’s eyes and feeling the passion reignite. Imagine feeling truly seen, appreciated, and desired by your partner again. You want those fun, spontaneous moments back, where they notice you and you connect on a deep emotional level.

The truth is, what's missing is actually each other.

You’ve started focusing more on the things that bother you about your partner than the reasons you fell in love in the first place. And now, that’s all you can see.

… that doesn’t mean you’re not meant to be together. People get stuck in patterns, habits and ruts all the time…

But it’s time to get back to the way it used to be. Laughing together, having fun together again, communicating openly, and feeling a true appreciation for being together.

You might think you’ve tried everything, but the truth is you haven’t even scratched the surface to reconnecting in a real way. 

Get instant access to the Relationship Remedy

Unlock the potential in your relationship in just 7 days, with this playful yet powerful process.

The Relationship Remedy Experiment will give you the tools needed to you reignite your connection and fall in love all over again.


Here’s how it works:

  • Reconnect with your partner emotionally and physically.
  • Break the negative patterns that have become your new normal.
  • Rediscover the fun, intimacy, and deep conversations that used to come so naturally.

Couples just like you have transformed their relationships in just a week, getting back that spark they thought was lost forever. They’ve reconnected, reignited their passion, and built stronger, more intimate bonds.


What will this program provide?


You will receive a physical and digital copy of the Relationship Remedy workbook for you to use for the entire seven days (and beyond) along with:

  • daily modules with audio recordings
  • powerful prompts to shift the way you experience your relationship
  • specific action steps and activities to complete daily (& beyond the 7 days)
  • full day of voice-note coaching to dive into your specific relationship challenges and solutions.


You don't even need a commitment from your partner in order for this to work! This course can be completed on your own OR together alongside your relationship partner.


Are you ready to transform your relationship?   

Register now to begin your journey.

One-Time Payment

$1,111 CAD

Three Monthly Payments

$400 CAD


Have any questions?

I'm always here to support you. Reach out to me with any questions or concerns!